Learn about contemporary Japan while improving your language skills!
JAPAN NOW! A Japanese Language Reader contains 17 fascinating stories and essays about contemporary Japanese society in parallel Japanese and English versions on facing pages. The stories are written by a number of experienced commentators on Japan, each with a distinctive style and point of view.
Vocabulary lists, notes, exercises and discussion questions make this a great course book for classroom use or self-study, and the wide range of fascinating topics make it equally appealing for general readers. The topics covered include:
LBGTQ Rights in Japan — Eriko and Anna Sato explain how the Japanese courts have recently declared bans on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. Is Japanese society finally becoming more inclusive?Japan's Underground Tattoo Culture — Brian Ashcraft, author of Japanese Tattoos, takes a deep dive into the world of Japanese tattooing, an art traditionally practiced mainly by yakuza gangsters.Japan's High Suicide Rate — Eriko and Anna Sato ask whether Japan's suicide rate has always been high? Is this due to the traditions of seppuku and kamikaze or to the stigma around seeking therapy in Japan? Or are other factors at work?Why I Love Japan Even More Since the Earthquake — journalist David McNeill, a longtime Japan resident, explores the aftereffects of the devastating 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown on Japanese society.The Origin of Sake — bestselling sake experts Nancy Matsumoto and Michael Tremblay look at the history of the Japanese drink that has gained huge popularity worldwide.
Illustrated with 25 black-and-white photographs, and accompanied by free online audio recordings, this volume provides unique insights into life in 21st century Japan for students and anyone interested in Japanese culture!