What if God had a sense of humour? In this wry, witty and surprisingly poignant memoir, the Almighty spills the cosmic beans on the grand experiment called Earth. From the Big Bang ("A bit messy, but it got the job done") to the creation of humanity ("They were adorable... at first"), God recounts the triumphs and blunders of creation with sharp insight and a touch of celestial sarcasm.
But this is no soothing reassurance. With temperatures rising and species disappearing faster than you can say "sixth extinction," God has a message for humanity:
Get it together, or else.
Equal parts laugh-out-loud funny and profoundly thought-provoking, this book is the ultimate wake-up call from the ultimate source. Whether you're a believer, a sceptic, or somewhere in between, this book will leave you rethinking your place in the universe - and hopefully turning down the thermostat.
Because even God is tired of cleaning up after us.