Let's Make Pasta by Jamie Oliver

Let's Make Pasta



See it, say it, cook it, eat it—learn about food from the earliest age with one of the world’s best-loved chefs, Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver invites the youngest readers into the kitchen to discover a fun and tasty world of food with this groundbreaking series of first recipe books.

Every spread of this innovative board book introduces a new read-aloud word and stylish illustration of a single food item. Simply lift the large gatefold on every page to discover what to do next . . . Squash it! Glug it! Shake it! Grate it! . . . Until finally, all the items in the book are added together to create a simple, healthy recipe for tomato spaghetti.

Young readers will learn how to cook from the earliest age and develop the foundations for healthy eating with one of the world’s best-loved chefs.

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