Dog Save the King by Jaleta Clegg, Joe Monson, Jess Smart Smiley, Lee Allred, David Hankins, Max Florschutz, Frances Pauli, Rhys Hughes, Steve Dubois, DJ Tyrer, Angelique Fawns, Christina Tang-Bernas, Kevin Wasden, Dale Parnell, Rick A. Pearson, Hannah Marie, Emily Martha Sorensen, D. S. Coleman, Joe Ficklin, Akis Linardos, Jennifer Lesh Fleck, Robert F. Lowell, Ed Sams, Jenny Perry Carr, Laura Holley, Jade C Wildy, John Steckley, Darren Lipman & Karen Keeley

Dog Save the King



Fetching Royals

The cool canid companion has long been the subject of (and starred in) stories of adventure and excitement. Royalty have long prized many different breeds as faithful and loyal friends. It's no different in the far future. Find here stories of daring doggoes (and other canines) saving the day for their royal charges on far-flung planets and in the deepest corners of the universe!

Dog Save the King is dedicated to Sue Ream and her awesome dogs. In addition serving as a Navy officer, she taught English and creative writing for many years at BYU while also actively supporting Life, the Universe, & Everything and The Leading Edge. Dog Save the King is filled with stories we think she'd love.

More Jaleta Clegg, Joe Monson, Jess Smart Smiley, Lee Allred, David Hankins, Max Florschutz, Frances Pauli, Rhys Hughes, Steve Dubois, DJ Tyrer, Angelique Fawns, Christina Tang-Bernas, Kevin Wasden, Dale Parnell, Rick A. Pearson, Hannah Marie, Emily Martha Sorensen, D. S. Coleman, Joe Ficklin, Akis Linardos, Jennifer Lesh Fleck, Robert F. Lowell, Ed Sams, Jenny Perry Carr, Laura Holley, Jade C Wildy, John Steckley, Darren Lipman & Karen Keeley Books