The Quran in its present form is not arranged according to the chronological order in which the individual passages were revealed. There is seemingly abrupt transition from subject to subject within the same chapter causing confusion. The Quran in its traditional form was meant for the common people to read daily in small installments, the word of God, and ponder.
The author of this book series has rearranged The Message of the Qur'an by Muhammad Asad according to the specific topics and subject matter. The seven-volume Quran series is a first-ever attempt to present the Quran according to the subject matter-a new paradigm in understanding the Quran. For example, the subject of divorce is discussed in the Quran in Chapters 2, 33, 58, 60, and 65. Compiling all the verses about divorce in one place gives the reader a quick reference and a comprehensive understanding. For scholars, lawyers, and anyone who needs to study a particular issue, it would be handy to have it arranged by subject matter.
The seven volumes series covers the entire Quran. The purpose of this work is not to convert you, preach to you, or present a public relations version of Islam. It aims to inform you about true Islam.