The current understanding of space and gravity is based on Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, which incorporates his theory of special relativity and deeply modifies the understanding of concepts like time and space. Within general relativity, gravity has two possible interpretations, a field one and a geometric one. According to the latter, that has become the prevalent one, gravity is due to the curvature of the space time tissue, represented as a rubber sheet, due to the presence of a mass. Nevertheless, this is a purely mathematical description telling nothing about the physical mechanism starting the motion. In fact, even supposing the existence, in the neighboring of a source mass, of a curved four dimensional manifold it doesn't explain why a second particle at rest should move towards the source mass's such, it invites attempts at derivation from a more fundamental set of underlying assumptions as those given in this book. The aim of this book is not to unify gravity with quantum mechanics. The aim of this book is to explain the cause of gravity based on the ingredients of space. In this work, we unify Maxwell's electromagnetic theory with quantum mechanics at Planck scale into a single unified field theory of time, space and matter. The unification produces a unified metric of space time and matter in which both the large bodies and subatomic particles play and interact. The proposed unified equation recovers the Einstein Field Equations, solves dark matter, dark energy, and the cosmological constant problems and also confirms the observed cosmological parameters by Planck collaborations in the Lambda Cold Dark Matter as this book directs.