The Nursing Home Murder is a gripping mystery by Ngaio Marsh, featuring her astute detective, Inspector Roderick Alleyn. The story revolves around Sir Derek O’Callaghan, a prominent member of Parliament who undergoes emergency surgery at a private nursing home. While recovering, Sir Derek unexpectedly dies, and though initially attributed to natural causes, suspicions quickly arise that foul play may have been involved. Inspector Alleyn is called in to investigate, and as he delves into the case, he uncovers a tangle of motives among the medical staff, politicians, and those closest to Sir Derek. Marsh skillfully explores the conflicting loyalties, professional rivalries, and personal grudges surrounding the victim, each potentially leading to murder. With its intriguing medical setting, complex characters, and tightly woven plot, The Nursing Home Murder combines procedural precision with classic mystery suspense. Marsh’s attention to detail and ability to build tension make this a standout entry in the Alleyn series, appealing to fans of traditional detective fiction and anyone who enjoys a puzzle with high-stakes drama.