The Wonderful Love of Jesus by John Owen, Arthur W. Pink, Octavius Winslow, Benjamin Keach, Charles H. Spurgeon, Edward Payson, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones & John C Ryle

The Wonderful Love of Jesus



We offer you this issue of the Free Grace Broadcaster, The Wonderful Love of Jesus. John Owen introduces this magnificent, soul-transforming theme by showing us from Scripture Christ’s eternal love for His people. Arthur Pink wants us to know the love of Christ and leads us to the Fountain of life to drink. Octavius Winslow explains the wonderful, surpassing love of Jesus, taking us to the cross to see the humiliation, the suffering, and the triumph of Christ’s love. We then learn about Christ’s love gift of eternal life from Benjamin Keach. He speaks of Christ’s early love, His electing love, His infinite love, His conjugal love—a love that passes the knowledge of natural men, spiritual men, and even holy angels. Charles H. Spurgeon then wants us to grasp something of the breadth, length, depth, and height of the love of Christ, which passes knowledge. He does so that we might have close communion with Christ Jesus. Do you know the proofs of Christ’s love? Edward Payson gives us four proofs of real love so that we might know that Jesus loves us. This is real food for the hungry soul! David Martyn Lloyd-Jones wants us to know that nothing shall separate us from the love of Christ, and J. C. Ryle concludes with a brief but sweet-to-the-soul encouragement about Christ’s patient, endless love. The Bible’s testimony and these articles are a blessed feast of the wonderful love of Christ!


More John Owen, Arthur W. Pink, Octavius Winslow, Benjamin Keach, Charles H. Spurgeon, Edward Payson, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones & John C Ryle Books