Thought Experiments 18 by Leonard Löwe

Thought Experiments 18



End Times. New Beginnings. We take a glimpse into the future... not that we actually could. But we will try. Where are the developments that give us hope... that counteract the dystopia that disguises itself in the guise of Corona?

Therefore, this time we will get significantly more technical. But that doesn’t matter, because the author is not only a philosopher (properly trained, mind you), but also an engineer... (equally trained, with a degree and all that jazz)...

The future will be technical... but to help humanity and secure its freedom. There will be no regression to agriculture and caves, to campfires and stone axes.  
And therefore, we will also be focusing more on technical aspects this time... which developments may have brought us to this point and which can lead us to a better future from here... and of course: which ones won’t!

Technology will even provide the way out of the current crisis... technology has first accelerated... provoked the crisis because the old world—marked by war, lies, and exploitation—is coming to an end... but the new world will not be as the liars and exploiters imagine it... it will be \textit{free}... above all, free from the liars and exploiters.

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