Moravia's collection of erotic short stories turns a penetrating eye on the psychology of human desire: the loves, hopes, fears, and perversities that haunt the everyday lives of any group of modern city dwellers
Laura Betti, Christine Buci-Glucksmann, Italo Calvino, Catherine Clément, Roger Dadoun, Jean-Paul Dollé, Alain Finkielkraut, Enrico Groppali, Maria Antonietta Macciocchi, Pierre Mertens, Alberto Moravia, Geoffrey Nowell-Smith, Marcelin Pleynet, Antonio Prete, Donald Ranvaud, Anna Rocchi Pullberg, Peter Schneider, Enzo Siciliano, Philippe Sollers & François Wahl
Paolo Berdini, Vezio De Lucia, Salvatore Monni, Alberto Moravia, Grazia Pagnotta, Luigi Petroselli, Vittoria Tola, Federico Tomassi, Keti Lelo, Vittorio Emiliani & Sergio, Gentili