In the aftermath of betrayal, couples find themselves in an overwhelming situation with no roadmap. Although many people decide to leave the relationship, some decide to stay together. For those that do, rebuilding trust is a daunting task. When trust has been shattered, moving from a place of no trust to trusting again can seem as impossible as jumping the Grand Canyon.
Where do people go for advice on such a subject as this?
In Rebuilding Trust, Matt and Laura Burton share what they've learned while working with hundreds of couples trying to rebuild trust after betrayal. Addressing common pitfalls in a "do this, not that" format, they explain how layers of trust can be established through:
Honesty and TransparencyBuilding SafetyConsistencyRebuilding Intimacy
All couples trying to stay together after trust has been broken want an answer to the question, "Is rebuilding trust even possible." Although not an easy task, the answer is a resounding yes. Throughout Rebuilding Trust, Matt and Laura expertly help both the "wounding? and "wounded" partners navigate the path to recovery once trust has been shattered. They provide a roadmap for success through practical advice and helpful tools that couples can apply to their own situations. Whether you are a couple who have been navigating broken trust for some time, or one who is reeling from newly discovered information, this book has something in it for you.
Because leaving after betrayal isn't always the answer, and some relationships are worth fighting for.