Overlord: The Undead King Oh!, Vol. 12 by Kugane Maruyama, Juami, Andrew Cunningham, so-bin & Rachel J. Pierce

Overlord: The Undead King Oh!, Vol. 12


  • Genre Manga
  • Released
  • Size 53.78 MB


There’s never a dull day in the Great Tomb of Nazarick—especially when Yuri shows off her Dullahan stuff and…captures the hearts of orphans?! This time around, the Nation of Darkness scratches their collective heads over how to naturalize their new human citizens. Lupusregina makes a board game, and Ainz test-drives a wardrobe change! But whether he wears his usual cape or a pair of swim trunks, this is still your same lovable, maniacal parade of mischief!

More Kugane Maruyama, Juami, Andrew Cunningham, so-bin & Rachel J. Pierce Books