Sharing What I Know by Gail Alexander

Sharing What I Know



Sharing What I Know leads readers on a journey of self-discovery and self-healing. An enlightening book about spiritual growth, and divine energies written by someone who has a wealth of knowledge and experience with both. If you have ever experienced things, you cannot explain or do not feel like you can talk to anyone about, this book is for you. Some of the topics covered are death and dying, healing, ancient knowledge, spirit guides, angels, and sacred geometry. It is time for us all to remember who we are and what we are here to do. This book will help guide you and provide a space to realize you are not alone and other people are having similar experiences as you are. Life is about sharing, joy, love, and laughter and hopefully this book accomplishes all three. Sit back, relax, keep an open mind and I look forward to taking this journey with you.

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