Achieve success in your Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I (CRT-450) Exam on the first try with our new and exclusive preparation book. This New and Exclusive Book is designed to help you test your knowledge, providing a collection of the latest questions with detailed explanations and official references. Save both time and money by investing in this book, which covers all the topics included in the Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I (CRT-450) exam. This book includes two full-length, highly important practice tests, each with 60 questions, for a total of 120 questions. It also provides detailed explanations for each question and official reference links. Dedicate your effort to mastering these Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I (CRT-450) exam questions, as they offer up-to-date information on the entire exam syllabus. This book is strategically crafted to not only assess your knowledge and skills but also to boost your confidence for the real exam. With a focus on thorough preparation, passing the official Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I (CRT-450) Exam on your first attempt becomes achievable through diligent study of these valuable resources. The official Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I (CRT-450) exam consists of 60 multiple-choice and multiple-select questions. You have 110 minutes to complete the exam, and the passing score is 65%. Welcome!