Ten lies dominate American public life. It’s time for some explosive truth-telling.
Millions of Americans have fallen for ten big lies about God, man, and our country. These false dogmas, ferociously enforced, are bringing our country to its knees.
John Amanchukwu, a pastor and truth-teller, is determined to smash these lies. His compelling stand against gender ideology and race-baiting at school board meetings across the country has attracted a huge online audience and made him a leading voice for biblical justice.
In this powerful new book, Amanchukwu names the ten lies that have beguiled our country and takes them apart piece by piece:
1 America is a racist nation
2 Being against abortion is a white Evangelical worldview
3 Capitalism should be blamed for poverty
4 Christianity is the white man's religion
5 Debt can be canceled
6 Disagreement equals hate
7 Transgenders are under attack
8 If you're anti-pornography, you're a book banner.
9 The Bible isn't political
10 The Church is non-essential
Lies are no match for the Truth, but they won’t go away by themselves. Let John Amanchukwu give you the training and ammunition you need to become a leader in the fight for our country.