Dr. Sebi Sea Moss Diet by James Andrew Brian

Dr. Sebi Sea Moss Diet



Sea moss, commonly known as Irish moss, is a red seaweed. In North America and Europe, it is found mostly on the coasts of the North Atlantic Ocean. It is found mostly in Canada, Ireland, and Iceland. Because of its high carrageenan content, specifically lambda-carrageenan, sea moss is gathered. This polysaccharide is frequently utilized in the cosmetic and food sectors as a thickener and stabilizer. A wide-range of bodily functions needs to have these, like the thyroid's ability to work, bone health, and muscle growth. Oxygen delivery is also important. A lack of oxygen leads to anemia and hypoxia. This causes fatigue, muscle pain, and dizziness. A sea-moss supplement can be useful for treating anemia. In particular, it may be beneficial for individuals who are iron deficient, such as those with heavy menstrual bleeding or low iron levels due to cancer treatments. It can also be useful in cases of hemochromatosis. Sea-moss contains a high level of potassium. Potassium is essential for the proper function of the nervous system, muscles, and heart. It helps the body's cells maintain their correct volume and pressure. It helps to regulate the acidity of blood. Potassium is also important for the production of energy. It is the primary source of energy for the brain, heart, and muscles. This book is out here to give an insight on the foods to adopt by dr Sebi to help you regain your health.

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