Social Security: Simple and Smart (Updated for 2024) by Tom Margenau

Social Security: Simple and Smart (Updated for 2024)



The Social Security program touches the lives of Americans young and old. Almost everyone has a Social Security number and a job that deducts Social Security taxes from his or her paycheck. And more than 60 million Americans, 1 out of every 6 people in the country, collect a monthly Social Security check. Social Security spending makes up about one-fourth of the entire federal budget.A program this big is bound to have complex laws and regulations. Tom Margenau has been helping people understand Social Security for almost 50 years, both as a Social Security Administration employee and as a nationally syndicated columnist for Creators Syndicate. Now, for the first time, he has gathered all of his knowledge and advice into a series of easy-to-read fact sheets and placed them in this book. Simply find the fact sheet that covers the topic you are interested in, and you will improve your understanding of how Social Security affects you and your family.

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