We often speak about stewardship in the context of parenting, more specififically, in the context of carrying and cherishing a child whose life on earth will more than likely be limited. ThThe Browns have embodied this concept beautifully in their journey with Anna, stewarding her story and stewarding their journey with beauty and authenticity.
We also say that there simply are no perfect words to capture all that goes on in one's head and heart while loving and ultimately losing a child. But Rachel offffers hers to us transparently, and I trust you will be as blessed by her story and her reflflections as we have been. Through their faith, Anna still speaks.
-Kelly & Daniel Crawford Founders of Abel Speaks
Walk with a mother as she learns the tragic news of the life-limiting diagnosis of the baby she's carrying, but who, through it all, learns more about the goodness of God; how letting go and letting God take control changed their story. By trusting God and giving Him glory through it, you can learn that:
life is more than what happens to youGod is good no matter whatjoy is still possible through suffffering, andGod can truly work all things for good (even the most tragic).