Josiah Reynolds' daughter, Asa, spent her adult years striving to make the world a better place. However her chosen life has exacted its toll. Asa is broken in body and spirit. Suffering an injury, Asa Reynolds flees to Key Largo to heal and reassess her life. Asa is depressed and feels she has made foolish mistakes in the past that have cost her much happiness. Still, Asa can’t stop being Asa. She sees a little girl in need of help and decides to intercede the way only she can. And best part of all, Asa might have made a friend with Eva Hanover, owner of the Last Chance Motel. Eva tells Asa that the motel is magical and miracles happen. While Asa doesn’t believe Eva’s stories, she would welcome any help—even if it comes from mermaids and manatees.