Curious George Goes Fishing by Margret Rey

Curious George Goes Fishing



When this mischievous monkey casts off, he gets tangled up in misadventure. Don’t miss the boat when it comes to Curious George and fishing fun!

Inspired by a vignette in the classic Curious George Flies a Kite, this amusing episode shows George at his curious best trying to catch a fish.

Praise for the Curious George books

“What distinguishes the George stories is where the trouble is—almost never in a person, never in humanity. George lives in a super benign world, even if it is often strange and unfamiliar to him. This is different than living in a world that is familiar but crowded with evil or indifference . . . George is at once an impossible monkey, a fantasy, and also, simply, one of us.” —The New Yorker

“Curious George certainly deserves a spot on the shelf, and these engaging stories will provide a good exercise in imagination and creativity.” —The Horn Book


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