The Worlds of Borderlands by Rick Barba

The Worlds of Borderlands


  • Genre Games
  • Publisher Dark Horse Comics
  • Released
  • Size 265.14 MB
  • Length 216 Pages


Explore a universe run amok with savage beasts, bloodthirsty bandits, and the biggest bad of all—corporations, in this full-color hardcover encyclopedia of Gearbox’s beloved videogame franchise!

The universe of Borderlands is an inhospitable wilderness that spans every biome conceivable. It’s also a land full of opportunity, but only if you have wits, skill, and guns. Lots of guns. Many come to Pandora in search of the Vault in the hopes of finding wealth, fame, or power. This is the definitive guide to the bold people who live there and in the surrounding galaxy, the mercenaries, monsters, and wilds they contend with, and the ridiculous arsenal they employ.

Dark Horse Books and Gearbox present The Worlds of Borderlands­—a bombastic guide to Pandora, its surrounding planets and the characters who live there. This volume is filled with art and trivia relating to the guns, vehicles, ships, companies, and adventurers of the worlds-spanning universe—and the monstrous fauna who would eat all of them.

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