Music Theory Book for Beginners by James Shipway

Music Theory Book for Beginners


  • Genre Music
  • Released
  • Size 2.44 MB


Understanding music theory is easy with this beginner music theory method book. Now, all instrumentalists, songwriters, singers and composers, can learn most of the music theory they'll ever need to know.

Adapted from our very popular Music Theory for Guitarists book, this easy-to-understand 'self-study' method for learning basic music theory, eliminates the confusion and frustration that so many music theory beginners experience.

In Music Theory Book for Beginners you'll find step-by-step lessons in all the most important music theory basics. To help you learn, see and understand how the building blocks of music theory fit together, we'll be using the piano keyboard as a visual aid. You can then apply what you've learned to your own instrument. No piano skills are required to use this book but instructions are given if you do want to play certain examples on the keyboard.

Includes bonus downloadable demo tracks, play-along backing tracks and quizzes to test your understanding. Perfect if:

•You want to finally understand the music theory basics all musicians and songwriters need to know
•You want an easy-to-use method giving you a crash-course in most of the basics
•You feel like your lack of knowledge is holding you up and stopping you from progressing as fast as you could be
•You've tried learning music theory before but found it too hard, long-winded and confusing
•You're sick of feeling clueless when you hang out with other musicians and want to understand the language they use
•You'd love to write your own music and songs but don't know where to start
•You need to learn beginner music theory but haven't a clue where or how to begin

In this Music Theory Book for Beginners you'll discover:

The Musical Alphabet - discover the only 12 notes used in all music!
Tones and Semitones
The Major Scale - learn what it really is and where it comes from
Major and Minor Triads - understand the chords used in the vast majority of music (pop, country, rock, folk etc.)
Major Scale Intervals - major 3rds, perfect 4ths ...what even are they?
Chromatic Intervals - finally discover what weird names like 'diminished' and 'augmented' really mean
Major Keys - what keys are, where they come from, and what to do with them
Chord Progressions - how to start writing pro-sounding chord sequences and songs of your own!
Pentatonic Scales - discover some of the most commonly used scales ever
The Natural Minor Scale - essential for understanding and playing music in minor keys
Minor Key Basics - learn the secrets of awesome minor key songs and chord sequences

... plus more, essential, practical music theory knowledge.

How will you learn and remember all this? Easy!

Each chapter introduces a new element of music theory and gives you a clear but detailed explanation of the concept. There are multiple examples/practical exercises, FAQs and more to drive your understanding home. When you think you've got it, test yourself using the quiz questions at the end of each chapter (answers supplied). To help you play certain practical examples you are also given piano-keyboard diagrams (plus music notation in some examples).

Want to understand music theory? You can … and without all the struggle, confusion, and misleading explanations!

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