CAMS Certification Exam Preparation - NEWEST Version by Georgio D

CAMS Certification Exam Preparation - NEWEST Version


  • Genre Finance
  • Released
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Pass the CAMS Certification Exam on your first Try With our New and Exclusive practice questions all new for the updated exam objectives. This New Preparation book gives you the opportunity to test your level of understanding and gauge your readiness for the CAMS Certification exam long before the big day. These questions cover 100% of the CAMS Certification exam's domains and topics and include answers with full explanations and references to help you understand the reasoning and approach for each. In this exclusive book, you will find 120+ practice questions similar to the ones you will find in the official exam. They are based on ACAMS CAMS Exam Guide and contains a full explanation of the answers. Our New and Exclusive book contains up-to-date practice exams that allows you to simulate the exam day experience and apply your own test-taking strategies with domains given in proportion to the real thing. In recent years, Financial Crime has hit the headlines, and the spotlight is firmly on compliance. CAMS is an established global qualification that outlines the key principles of money laundering, and how to prevent it. In as little as four months, individuals and teams can be certified as Anti-Money Laundering Specialists. The CAMS examination consists of 120 multiple choice and multiple selection questions. The passing score required to obtain the CAMS certification is 75. All candidates have 3.5 hours to complete the exam. Welcome!

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