ADHD 2.0 For Adults: Essential Coping Strategies to Control Impulsiveness, Improve Social & Work Commitments Organization, and Break Through Barriers. by Margaret Hampton

ADHD 2.0 For Adults: Essential Coping Strategies to Control Impulsiveness, Improve Social & Work Commitments Organization, and Break Through Barriers.




Are you among the myriad of people with an ADHD disorder and looking for practical solutions to manage your behaviors while drawing success in all walks of life?? Would you discover science-backed strategies to control the negative impulses that keep on deteriorating your well-being?

If the answer is a firm "YES", then the next few lines may change your life...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neuro-developmental disorders, affecting over 8% of adults throughout the States.

This a thought-provoking fact about the challenges that a large chunk of the population may experience besides you. Without the right coping skills, your entire life is likely to crumble under the burden of constant breakdowns preventing you from the life you dream of - a normal life.

This inspired the writing of this book - providing you with practical and reliable guidance for restoring your confidence and achieving your best in social and work life.

In this bundle collection of 2 books in 1 you will find all the steps to nurture healthy and genuine relationships, raise your self-esteem, and finally embrace the best version of yourself. Here is a preview of what you will find in these books:

In "ADHD 2.0 Effect On Marriage" you will find a seven-day blueprint for:

- Eliminate frustration and insecurities from your love life, leaving room for positive feelings to a happy and conscious love life;

Managing and preventing couple conflict, learning to respect each other's edginess with loving understanding and trust.

- Establish effective communication with your partner, being able to communicate what feelings trigger your harmful impulses;

While to correct your ADHD-related behaviors in the social sphere, "ADHD 2.0 & Social Anxiety for Adults" will help you:

- Understand what social anxiety really is, in what forms it occurs, how it is related to your disorder, and how to manage it with the correct tools;

- Organize your day into steps you can stick to drastically reducing the chance of distraction ruining your progress;

- Develop your social skills to start building strong, long-lasting relationships that will enrich your life;


With the abundance of professional advice, you will find in this bundle you will be able to take back the reins of your life rapidly and permanently by gaining great confidence in your growth as an individual...

What are you waiting for? - Seize your life now and show the world the beauty of being you!

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