Summary of Lisa Wade's Terrible Magnificent Sociology by Everest Media

Summary of Lisa Wade's Terrible Magnificent Sociology


  • Genre Sociology
  • Released
  • Size 2.47 MB


Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 We’re a social species. We’ve evolved to cooperate. We’re designed to live in cooperative communities. Even fake exclusion, like playing a computer game in which people throw a Frisbee back and forth to each other but not you, causes distress. We’re not designed to be alone. -> We are a social species. It’s unnatural for us to be alone. #2 We are a social species. We’ve evolved to cooperate, and we’re designed to live in cooperative communities. It’s unnatural for us to be alone. #3 We are individuals, but we are not, have never been, and were never meant to be alone. We are products of our communities and are influenced by them. #4 We are a social species that has evolved to cooperate. We’re designed to live in cooperative communities, and even fake exclusion causes distress.

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