Major Incident Medical Management and Support by Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG), Tony Gleeson & Kevin Mackway-Jones

Major Incident Medical Management and Support


  • Genre Nursing
  • Publisher John Wiley & Sons
  • Released
  • Size 5.00 MB
  • Length 247 Pages


Major Incident Medical Management and Support: The Practical Approach at the Scene, 4th Edition

The Major Incident Medical Management and Support (MIMMS) course, developed by the Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG), is taught to healthcare professionals worldwide. Integrated into both civilian and military medical practice, MIMMS is the only international standard in major incident medical management – focused on delivering the medical support needed to many casualties through triage, treatment and transport. The Fourth Edition of Major Incident Medical Management and Support: The Practical Approach at the Scene is the most current coursebook for the MIMMS curriculum.

This new edition has been fully revised to ensure doctors, nurses and paramedics are able to prepare for, and implement, a structured response to major incidents such as those involving hazardous materials, natural disasters, mass gatherings, multiple burn casualties and large numbers of children. The wide range of topics covered include communications, personal and medical equipment, command and control, planning, assessment and the psychological aspects of major incidents. This new edition also includes:
Practical information and clear guidelines for medical professionals delivering care to multiple casualties at the scene both during and after an incident The organisations, structures and different roles involved in the medical management of major incidents Contributions from an international team of experts in fields including emergency medicine and nursing, fire and rescue services, disaster preparedness and response and emergency transport Appendices covering responsibility for the dead, radio use and voice procedures, the media, the hospital response and the steps to take beyond the immediate situation
Major Incident Medical Management and Support is required reading for all those undertaking the MIMMS education programme.

The Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG) improves outcomes for people in life-threatening situations, anywhere along the healthcare pathway, anywhere in the world. ALSG is a leading medical education charity and have delivered advanced life support training to over 225 000 clinicians in 44 countries, across 5 continents, for over 25 years.

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