Signing Off With Love by Shaw Hart

Signing Off With Love



Can one impulsive comment on an article online lead to lasting love?

Paisley Colburn has always loved animals more than people.
When she finds out that the animal shelter that she works at lost out on expanding because they were outbid by some giant corporation, she reacts impulsively and vents in the comment section of their website.
She had no idea that one comment was about to change her whole life. 

One message.
That’s all it takes to have Levi hooked.
He loves sparring with her. He loves her wit. 
He loves her. 

When their relationship moves off the computer screen to real life, will Levi be able to convince Paisley that he’s still the man she fell for online?

*Warning: This love by letter book is a quick sweet read. Looking for a Hero who would do anything to keep his girl? Then this short read is for you!


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