A Thanksgiving Sermon by Obadiah Sedgwick

A Thanksgiving Sermon


  • Genre Christianity
  • Released
  • Size 733.69 kB
  • Length 59 Pages


The severall and strange Works of Divine Providence, which (in our days) appear thorow-out the Christian world, are a Theam worthy of the best Historians pen, and of the best Christians meditation: Although former Ages have not wanted variety of Experiences; (which their Ecclesiasticall Writers have gathered up and preserved for us) yet the singular Occurrences of this present Age afford Occasions of choiser Observation and richer Discourse: For, besides the various Turns in Germanie, and the many Floats in Scotland, and the Artificiall Desolation in Ireland, there hath also burst out such an Intestine Calamity within our own England, the like whereof our Ancestours never knew; although they had (sometimes) a large share in Broyls and Troubles. In all which heavie Accidents now begirting us, all sorts of men have let slip so much of men, and God hath laid out so much of God, as that a judicious and faithfull Collection of the Attempts by the one, and of Events from the other, would compile a Book (next to that of All Books) fullest of worth and use. And whether such an History of Providence (clasping at least the wonders of this time) would not be a fit Monument of Thanksgiving for your many and strangely-received mercies, I humbly submit (Right Honourable) to your Wisedom.

Of this I am confident, that such a Work (well done) would be as the golden Pot which preserved Manna, and (if I mistake not) The Picture of Policie, The Depths of Popery, The Sum of Men, The Account of Projects, The Map of Miseries, The Cries of a Church, The Pities of a God, and The Magna Charta of Miracles.

Now that Divine Providence which is an Eye to see All things, and a Wheel to turn All things, and a Hand to rule All things, for ever guide, and preserve, and prosper you and all who prize Jesus Christ and his Kingdom above All other things. So prays

Your daily Oratour

at the Throne of Grace and Mercy,

Obadiah Sedgwicke.

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