Biology by Peter Scott




This is one of three volumes that cover the whole EDEXCEL iGCSE course. It targets teaching up to the age of 16 in biology in the UK.
This course acts as a brilliant springboard for any pupil wishing to study biology further at A level, IB or biology at ages 16-18 prior to university. This ebook will support and expand the reading of aspects of the UK GCSEs courses too.
For readers in other countries such as the US there is a detailed list of the contents covered by this volume so that it can be seen what is offered here. 
This ebook and the two associated other volumes (Human and Plant Biology) cover all of the topics for the Edexcel iGCSE and most of the topics covered by the AQA iGCSE in biology. 
This book specifically covers the topics directly linked to General biology. 

It covers the following topics;
Living organisms
Characteristics of living organisms
Kingdoms and classification
The structure of organisms
The structure of cells
Tissues, organs and organ systems
Cell biology
Structure of the cell
Diffusion, osmosis and active transport
Reproduction and genetics
Reproduction of cells 
Mitosis and meiosis
Reproduction in plants and animals
Structure of the nucleus, chromosomes and genes
Evolution and selective breeding
Genetic manipulation
Transgenic plants and animals
Microorganisms in food production
Plant tissue culture
Increasing agricultural productivity
Growing crops
Use of greenhouses
Fish farming
Pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides
Key experiments on these topics
The text is as accurate and clear as possible with as many accompanying diagrams as possible.
Where appropriate there are animations or movies. I have usually used animations as they seem to be the best way to present information.
At the end of each chapter there is a series of questions to test the user on the chapter.
Also available are ebooks to cover the Human Biology and Plant Biology of these courses.
If these books sell well I have a series of UK A level and IB textbooks that will soon follow and be published here.
Dr Peter Scott

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