English Imperative Sentences: Most Common Imperative Verbs by Manik Joshi

English Imperative Sentences: Most Common Imperative Verbs


  • Genre Education
  • Publisher Manik Joshi
  • Released
  • Size 302.02 kB
  • Length 136 Pages


What are "Imperative Sentences"?

The word "imperative" is derived from the term "emperor".
Imperative sentences are used to give commands (orders).
Imperative sentences are also used to give instruction/advice/suggestion/warning/invitation/appeal.
Imperative sentences are also used to make a request. You should use 'please' (or another polite word) in the beginning or at the end of the sentence to make a request.
An imperative sentence begins with the base (first) form of a verb which is also called a verb word. In an imperative sentence, the subject - 'you' - is understood. However, for the first and third-person imperative, the imperative sentence begins with 'let'.
You can end an imperative sentence with the period (.) or exclamation (!). Exclamation is used to show direct and firm command.
'Imperative' is one of the three moods of an English verb (indicative, imperative and subjunctive).


Attend the meeting.
Discharge your duty.
Enforce the law.
Quash the previous order.
Return to work.
Vacate this place.

Climb the stair.
Fill out this form.
Go on foot.
Hang a painting.
Light a candle.
Note this down.
Open up the cage.
Push a trolley.
Spell it out.
Tie your shoelaces.
Unpack the luggage.

Book a hotel room.
Improve your appearance.
Mend your ways.
Walk elegantly.

Follow your dreams
Keep up your English.

Don't Jump that gate!
Watch out for a traffic signal!

Come to the party with me.
Have a meal with us.
Let's stay at my house.

Be Silent.
Let's curb the menace of drugs addiction.

Give me five hundred dollars, please.
Come soon, please.

Other Uses of Imperative Sentences:
1. Wish -- Have a safe journey.
2. Apology -- Pardon me.
3. Permission -- Join us if you want.
4. Public Notice --
Imperatives are used on signboards or notice boards:
Keep off the grass.
Insert your ATM card.
Pull the door.
Push inside.

Important Note -- An imperative sentence can imply different senses (command/instruction/advice, etc.) based on the intonation. [Note: 'Intonation' is defined as the rise and fall of the voice in speaking, as this affects the meaning of what is being said.]

English Imperative Sentences -- A

Abide by the commission's verdict.
Accept his decision.
Achieve your target.
Acknowledge the achievements of women.
Acquire land for road infrastructure.
Act quickly. / Act swiftly.
Add details to this report.
Address a press conference.
Address his concerns regarding payments next week.
Address their demands.
Adhere to the standard operating procedure.
Adjust the rules to help consumers.
Adjust to a new location.
Admire your parents.
Adopt a good strategy in choosing the right candidates.
Adopt a long-term vision for the industry.
Adopt modern technology.
Adopt a wait and watch policy.
Allow him to return home.
Alter the course of your life.
Amend the act.
Analyze the reasons for your defeat.
Analyze the sample.
Announce your candidacy.
Answer the question.
Anticipate rate hikes.
Apologize if you hurt someone.
Apply colors on his forehead.
Apply for a job.
Apply for marks verification.
Apply for a passport.
Appoint a manager.
Appreciate compassionate behavior.
Approach him for help.
Approach the court.
Approve the plan.
Arrange everything before it is late.
Arrange for cash to meet your expenses.
Arrange funds from your relatives.
Arrange funds on your own.


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