The Place by John Flannery

The Place


  • Genre Fantasy
  • Released
  • Size 230.91 kB


This novella revolves around the purgatorial consciousness of a premature and poorly infant called Baby Joe who is nestled inside an incubator in a neonatal unit somewhere in modern Britain. 

He shares his purgatorial consciousness with a variety of lost souls: Douglas the atheist; a pair of child murderers; betraying lovers; a potential child abuser; a potential male rapist; a school bully; an abusive carer in a home for vulnerable people; a victim of an adulterous wife; a suicide victim; a human foetus/abortionist; a shooting spree killer; a victim of the shooting spree killer; an old pederast; a family annihilator; a victim/perpetrator of physical child abuse; a drug dealer; a witch; a star-crossed lover; a rapist; a mercy killing wife; and an abortionist. 

These folks are in The Place to exist and learn from their mistakes, thus allowing them to move on to a higher level of consciousness. Some of them are atoning for their sins while some of the others are gloriously unrepentant.

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