Tales Of The Taino Gods/cuentos De Los Dioses Tainos by Osvaldo Garca-Goyco

Tales Of The Taino Gods/cuentos De Los Dioses Tainos


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Cuentos de los dioses tainos: como se cre el Mar Caribe es una divertida fantasa profusamente ilustrada basada en el misterioso mundo mitolgico de los indios tainos de Puerto Rico y las Antillas Mayores. La trama est inspirada en la obra de Fray Ramn Pan Relacin Acerca de las Antigedades de los indios (1494-98), que form parte del diario de Cristobal Coln. Las ilustraciones del cuento, por el fenecido joven pintor puertorriqueo Juan Negrn, fueron elaboradas mediante un guin visual del autor. Incluye adems el autor un educativo glosario ilustrado. Tales of the Taino Gods: How The Caribbean Sea Was Born, is an entertaining fantasy, based on the mysterious mythological world of the Tano Indians of Puerto Rico and the Greater Antilles. The plot is inspired by the writings of Friar Ramn Pans An Account of the Antiquities of the Indians (1494-98), which was part of Christopher Columbus diary. The illustrations of the tale were painted using a visual script by the author, who directed the skillful brush of the late young puertorrican painter Juan Negrn. The author also includes an illustrated educational glossary.

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