My-Pocket-Coach Tennis by Nina Nittinger

My-Pocket-Coach Tennis



My-Pocket-Coach Tennis is the ultimate tool for athletes and trainers to improve tactical strength in training and competition. Athletes have difficult situations and deciding moments in their careers and they need to deal with these in the right way. Tactical finesse plays an enormously important role in exhausting or maintaining sporting capabilities.

My-Pocket-Coach Tennis is the ultimate advisor for every tennis player, as it is ready with the solutions most likely to succeed in difficult situations. In tennis, every opponent and every day is different. Every player has his or her own strengths and weaknesses. The external conditions are also constantly changing and even during a match a player must adapt and change their game. My Pocket Coach Tennis gives ambitious players the tactical match-tips that smooth the road to victory. A player who wants to win a match needs to know how to beat the opponent. With the right tactics for success.

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