Williams-Sonoma Good for You by Dana Jacobi

Williams-Sonoma Good for You



Williams-Sonoma Good for You proves that healthy cooking can be simple and delicious: Aim for bountiful and varied food, focus on plant-based ingredients, and you’ll find that eating well is a pleasure to be savored. Packed with naturally nourishing recipes, each dish is crafted around vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes, with the addition of lean protein, low-fat dairy, and nuts and seeds to round out the meal. For easy planning, the more than 80 recipes are organized by course and feature short ingredient lists and sensible prep times, making them achievable any day of the week.
Lavishly photographed, the book also includes stunning visual galleries of key ingredients showcasing the vast array of whole foods readily available in local markets, with descriptions that reveal health benefits and suggest how to prepare them. Special features throughout the pages offer additional quick ideas for using super foods, such as strawberries, kale, chiles, melons, winter squash, and more, in easy meals or snacks.


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