Christmas Jokes for Kids by Riley Weber

Christmas Jokes for Kids


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From the #1 bestselling children's books, author and illustrator of "Tongue Twisters for Kids," comes "Christmas Jokes for Kids" -Filled with cute, clean, short and silly illustrated Christmas jokes. Each joke comes in two parts - the joke question being posed and its punchline, and each part has its own illustration. This makes the jokes not only more striking but easier to memorize. Half the fun of jokes is being able to remember them to tell to others. 

Features lots of funny jokes, colorful full-page illustrations, Christmas music, and a child telling the joke on every page.  

What reviewers are saying…

"Jokes like these are great for developing a kid's funny bone. More than that, though, they are excellent for developing reading and English language skills. This is an ebook that a child will enjoy reading through alone again and again, even when a parent has grown weary of it."

"Adults can trust these jokes are clean for children. They won't have to scan through all the pages to check their contents." 

"The illustrations are wonderful and enhance the jokes."

"What I truly enjoy is the author is kind enough to give an illustration for the question and a separate one for the answer."

"I wasn't expecting each page to be illustrated. That was a nice bonus."


This book is filled with Christmas cheer that will put smiles on everyones faces. There are pages filled with jokes, and original silly cartoony illustrations with colorful Christmas themed backgrounds, that will have you saying 'Ho ho ho' and 'Ha ha ha' throughout the holidays.

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