1000 Common Spanish Words by Addison Publishing

1000 Common Spanish Words



Learn 1000 common Spanish words. This eBook lists 1000 words arranged alphabetically. Each word is used in a whole Spanish sentence. 

Some few Spanish words from the Book,

a partir de "from, as of"
a través de "through, across"
a "a, to"
abajo "down, below, downstairs"
abandonar to abandon
abrir "to open, unlock"
absoluto/a absolute
abuelo "grandfathers, grandpa"
acabar to finish
acaso "perhaps, maybe"
acción\ciones action
aceptar to accept
acercar to approach
acompañar to accompany
acordar to decide
actitud attitude
actividad activity
acto act
actual present
actuar to act
acudir "to go, come"
acuerdo agreement
adelante ahead
además de "in addition to, besides, furthermore"
además "in addition, besides, furthermore"
adquirir to acquire
advertir "to notice, warn"
afectar to affect
afirmar to affirm

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