My own (his)story, as "Patricia," is candidly told to both enlighten and alert. Although graphic, it does not sensationalize on purpose; that is not the intent of this book. Childhood Abuse is a disease that our society can cure and prevent. It is the World's dark secret. It knows no boundaries within individual countries, Racial, Economic, or Social groups.
There are no clear- cut definitions as to what is and isn’t abuse. If the action is harmful to the child, it is unhealthy and therefore abusive.
This is a disease that does not call for extensive scientific research looking for a cure, such as Cancer, Diabetes etc. Rather, it is a disease that elicits recognition and commitment on the part of all responsible adolescents and adults. Early recognition, acknowledgement, and subsequent intervention are necessary.
However, the abused, as well as the abuser, need rehabilitation after that point or the cycle perpetuates itself and the statistics remain a constant. Once the abuse stops…it is far from over, as the startling statistics indicate.
The consequences of Childhood Abuse affect the quality of life for everyone in their country, not just its survivors. Its effects are far-reaching and negative.
My spirit and attitude are the exception for those that are abuse survivors. The overwhelming majority of its victims are not nearly so fortunate as myself. Amazingly, I have beaten all the odds and it is hoped that others will benefit from my methods and journey as well. Let the healing begin.
Sue Brown