The romantic spy thriller begins as a secret shipment of missiles disappears near the Khyber Pass, followed by a shadowy graveyard murder. When a daring San Francisco journalist arrives in dusty Peshawar, CIA officer Nick Daley becomes entangled in an unusual triangle with the woman and her former college lover, now an elusive Afghan leader with a price on his head. These characters lead us into a realm of intrigue and betrayal, where hidden agendas provide their own kind of veil until the truth is revealed in a shocking climax. Read how these ancient Silk Road lands became once again a crossroads of invaders and spies in this explosive tale of Great Game politics, arms and drugs.
“A superbly crafted and highly recommended political thriller, Stinger… is a ripping good novel of page-turning suspense and plot-twisting intrigue.” — James A. Cox, Midwest Book Review.
“A captivating and thrilling excursion….When I put the book down at the end, I had to say ‘Wow’. Then I went in search of the next book.” — Randall Masteller,
“Forget ‘armchair adventure’ – this is an edge-of-your-seat action thriller. If it isn’t true, it sure as hell could be.” — Charles Benoit, Relative Danger, You.
“This book moves fast, hitting one suspenseful peak after another until the final shocking revelation…. Stinger keeps readers on their toes trying to keep up with the plot twists. Highly recommended, but not as a bedtime book—not if you want untroubled dreams.” — Karen Treanor, New Mystery Reader.
“Thick with realistic suspense and political intrigue, Stinger will soon have readers forgetting it is a fictional tale. Anyone who enjoys strong female characters, romance and stories laced with CIA agents will enjoy Chambers’ novel. Journalist Robin Reeves is hot on the trail of a great story, and she has a solid contact to approach—the leader of an Afghan group that the governments would love to get their hands on is her former college lover… Her tenacity in pursuit of the story impresses handsome CIA agent Nick Daley while advancing closer to making contact with her ex-lover. Soon, though, she finds that her stroke of luck is far from a coincidence, and that the meddling nature of governments and fanatics has her dancing like a puppet on a string. Chambers keeps readers on their toes with twists that will leave them guessing what is going to happen next, and the ending has a great surprise in store.” —