Freshman Chemistry Guide 1 by Russell Geanangel

Freshman Chemistry Guide 1


  • Genre Chemistry
  • Released
  • Size 303.71 MB


This study guide contains over 4 hours and 20 minutes of recorded lecture topics and example problems that follow the material covered in chapter 2 of the textbook Chemistry, The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change by Silberberg. The topics covered include: Characteristics of elements, compound and mixtures at the laboratory and atomic levels. The three empirical mass laws—conservation of mass, definite composition, and multiple proportions. Dalton’s atomic theory and how it accounts for the empirical mass laws. Experiments by Thomson, Millikan, and Rutherford helping reveal atomic structure Structure of the atom, the nature of subatomic particles, and characteristics of isotopes. The periodic table and the position and characteristics of metals, metalloids, and nonmetals. The basic features of ionic and covalent bonding and the differences between them. The prediction of ion charges and the formulas of ionic compounds. Names and formulas of ionic compounds, inorganic binary compounds, acids and bases. Determination of the formula mass of chemical compounds.

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