The Christian Warrior by Isaac Ambrose

The Christian Warrior



In "The Christian Warrior", Isaac Ambrose (1604-1664) provides armament and strategy to fight our tireless adversary. He shows how all God's people are warriors engaged in a battle, that our enemy is both powerful and malicious, and that we must strive hard against him. He gives specific examples of how Satan attempts to attack us at different stages of life, and gives practical, point-by-point advice on how to cope with these attacks. Even readers not accustomed to Puritan works will find Ambrose's warm and engaging style both eminently useful and Christ-exalting. Much more than a copy-paste-publish e-book, this Digital Puritan Press reprint has been carefully edited from the original scans. The more difficult language has been smoothed out to make it more accessible to the modern reader. Every Scripture reference is also hyperlinked as an endnote in the ESV version (no internet connection is needed). Includes a helpful biographical preface to the life and times of the author.

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