Concepts of Disability Income Insurance by Michael Lustig

Concepts of Disability Income Insurance


  • Genre Law
  • Released
  • Size 1.08 MB


The most thorough and comprehensive of any published textbook on the subject of disability income insurance. Two years in the making, this book covers every minute detail, from contractual provisions and benefits to underwriting and claims. Concepts of Disability Income Insurance is an authoritative when-where, how-to manual that no agent should be without.

 • Develop a comprehensive understanding of, and a valuable insight to, the fascinating field of disability income insurance. 
 • Develop skills in marketing and underwriting disability income insurance to consumers. 
 • Gain insight into underwriting tools, claims handling, governmental coverages, and the disability application.

Major Subjects Covered 
 • Contractual Provisions and Benefits. 
 • The Disability Application. 
 • Substandard Underwriting. 
 • Occupation Schedule. 
 • Group Disability Benefits.

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