Books: Tips, Stories, & Advice on Writing, Publishing, & Promoting by Dan Poynter

Books: Tips, Stories, & Advice on Writing, Publishing, & Promoting



Here is a Gift for the Writer Within
or The Writer in Your Life

Scores of successful, published authors reveal the inside secrets to their achievement.

You will discover:
• 38 Tips on how to write
• 11 Tips on why you should write
• 4 Tips on why your writing project should be a book
• 21 Tips on what to write
• 7 Tips on doing research
• 9 Tips for building your book
• 3 Tips on Copyright
• 10 Tips for finding the right agent or publisher
• 6 Tips on book promotion
• And much, much more.

“We recommend this book to all who submit their stories to Chicken Soup for the Writer’s Soul.” —Bud Garner, Chicken Soup series co-author

“Dan Poynter is the top coach for writing, publishing and, most important, promoting.” —John Tullius, Director, Maui Writers Conference

“Dan Poynter has generously guided thousands to authorship. Their books make this a better world.” —Dr. Robert Müller, Past Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Dan Poynter has turned thousands of professionals and writers into authors; his shelves are overflowing with their books. He is the author of more than 125 books and hundreds of other information products. The media come to Dan because he is the leading authority on how to write, publish, and promote books.

The demand for books is increasing but the market is changing. These tips from successful authors will show you how to get your work into print.

More Dan Poynter Books