Terrain Training for Off-Road Runners by Stuart Ferguson

Terrain Training for Off-Road Runners


  • Genre Sports & Outdoors
  • Publisher eBook Partnership
  • Released
  • Size 2.75 MB
  • Length 119 Pages


Many sports operate in a single dimensional contact world, for example road runners generally run on flat tarmac. However off-road running, in common with sports such as climbing, work in a more multi-dimensional world based on the ever changing surface with which they are in contact with.

'Terrain Training for Off-Road Runners' explores the different types of terrain you will encounter, the techniques for adapting your style of running to this environment and the safety aspects needed as well as presenting a number of training patterns to enhance your abilities in this world.

On your next run off-road you will now look at the environment through which you are running with a different perspective.

'It's an interesting read for trail runners, particularly those who tend to stray off the trails and out into the open countryside. How many of us understand fully the nature of the flexible running style we should adopt to cope with the enormous variety of conditions underfoot that will be encountered?
This book offers guidance on how we can run more effectively and minimise the risk of injury on a variety of treacherous surfaces. The book should be of particular use to someone starting out on off-road running. It is the distillation of a lifetime's experience. Even an old hand like myself found it helpful to have such good sense so clearly expressed. I'm happy to recommend this book.'
Newsletter of the Trail Runners Association


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