An Introduction to Trail & Fell Running by Keven Shevels

An Introduction to Trail & Fell Running


  • Genre Sports & Outdoors
  • Publisher eBook Partnership
  • Released
  • Size 5.72 MB
  • Length 126 Pages


Trail and fell running, collectively known as off-road running. As more and more runners leave the boredom of the roads and seek the challenges and pleasures of running in the open countryside, what can they expect to await them? How can they train and prepare for it and what knowledge, skill and equipment is required to ensure maximum enjoyment and safety? 

This booklet takes the newcomer to this, the most rewarding and natural of all the athletics disciplines, and guides them through their baptism of off-road running. 

'A very useful book, aimed at a runner who wants to know how to progress into the trail running scene and how to train for it.' Newsletter of the Trail Runner's Association 

'This is an excellent book which, whilst designed, as its title suggests, to guide the newcomer to the sport through the basics, will also appeal to the more experienced hill runner who wants to revisit the fundamentals of their chosen activity.' Scottish Hill Runners Association Newsletter 

'This is a good comprehensive booklet, which should prove useful to anyone setting out on the wonderful and enjoyable journey of discovering off-road running.' Newsletter of the Welsh Fell Runner's Association 

'An Introduction to Trail and Fell Running does offer a really good overview - "just what it says on the tin" so to speak.' The Fellrunner Magazine


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