The Book of the Secrets of Prayer and Its Requirements by Imam al-Ghazali

The Book of the Secrets of Prayer and Its Requirements


  • Genre Islam
  • Publisher Islam Digital
  • Released
  • Size 698.10 kB
  • Length 82 Pages


This book describes the importance of prayer and its requirements.

It describes what is essential for the disciple in terms of the external acts and its inner secrets of prayer, and revealing its refined hidden meanings in terms of humility, sincerity and intention.

Praise be to Allah, Who submerged His slaves with His favours, and filled their hearts with the lights and duties of religion, whose descent from the throne of majesty to the nearest heaven is, of the degrees of mercy, one of His kindnesses. He is distinguished from kings, for all His unique majesty and grandeur, in urging His creation to ask and supplicate, for He says: هل من داع فأستجيب له وهل من مستغفر فأغفر له “Is there any who supplicates? so that I will answer him!” and, “Is there any who asks forgiveness? So that I will forgive him!” He is distinguished from sultans by opening the door and lifting the veil, and permitting His slaves private communion, by the performances of Prayers however their circumstances may be, whether in congregations or alone. 

Moreover, He does not confine Himself to permission, but rather shows kindness by inspiring desire and calling. And besides him are from amongst the weak kings who do not permit private audience, except after the offering of a gift or a bribe. So glorious is he! How great his state, and strong His authority and perfect His kindness and universal his beneficence! And prayers and peace be upon Muhammad , His chosen Prophet and His chosen intimate, and upon his family and his Companions, keys of guidance and lamps in darkness.

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