Economics by Virginia Department of Education



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  • Genre Economics
  • Released
  • Size 1.19 GB
  • Length 1476 Pages


Economics, and the companion Multi-Touch textbook Personal Finance, is based on the extraordinary content developed for Virginia’s comprehensive online course, Economics and Personal Finance. The two-volume set meets the Virginia Standards of Learning for Economics and Personal Finance and is tightly aligned to the PISA 2012 Financial Literacy Framework and the Council for Economic Education’s Voluntary National Content Standards in Economics. Economics and Personal Finance are ideal companions for the course as well as comprehensive textbooks for use in other economics and personal finance courses. For those who simply are interested in this area of study, they are unique and compelling resources.

Economics content includes: Economics and Economic Decisions Economic Systems Factors of Production Production/Consumption Types of Businesses Firm Behavior Supply and Demand Equilibrium Elasticity Economic Functions of Government Market Failure and the Role of Government Private Property  Government Regulations Economic Goals Role of Labor Inflation and Its Indicators The Business Cycle The Fed Federal Budget Process International Commerce Exchange Rates Trade Agreements and Barriers

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