Telephone Projects for the Evil Genius by Thomas Petruzzellis

Telephone Projects for the Evil Genius



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Listen up! Telephone Projects for the Evil Genius has everything you need to build and customize both wired and wireless phone gadgets that not only save you money, but also improve the quality of your life!

Using easy-to-find parts and tools for creating both retro and modern phone projects, this do-it-yourself guide begins with some background on the development of the landline phone and the cell. You'll review basic building techniques, such as installing components, building circuits, and soldering. Then you'll dive into the projects, which, while they range from easy to complex, are all designed to optimize your time and simplify your life! Telephone Projects for the Evil Genius:
Features step-by-step instructions for 40 clever and practical phone projects, complete with 150 how-to illustrations Shows you how to enhance both wire-connected phones and cell phones Leaves room for you to customize your projects Removes the frustration-factor-all the parts you need are listed, along with sources
From simple phone gadgets to sophisticated remote control devices, Telephone Projects for the Evil Genius provides you with all the schematics, charts, and tables you need to complete such fun projects as: Ringing phone light flasher Telephone amplifier Telephone ring-controlled relay Remote telephone bell project Touch tone generator Phone voice scrambler Caller ID decoder project TeleAlert phone pager and control Wireless remote phone ringer Conferencer And much more!

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