Osteoimmunology by Joseph Lorenzo, Mark Horowitz, Yongwon Choi & Hiroshi Takayanagi



  • Genre Medical
  • Released
  • Size 11.07 MB
  • Length 280 Pages


Bone and the immune system are both complex tissues, which, respectively, regulate the skeleton and the body's responses to invading pathogens. Critical interactions between these two organ systems frequently occur, particularly in the development of immune cells in the bone marrow and for the function of bone cells in health and disease. This book provides a detailed overview of the many ways that bone and immune cells interact. The goal is to provide basic and clinical scientists with a better understanding of the role that the immune system and bone play in the development and function of each other so that advances in both fields will be facilitated. The focus of the book will be both on basic pathways and translational science, which will apply basic knowledge to clinical diseases. Chapter content will range from basic descriptions of the various cell systems and their development to the signals that cause them to interact during normal physiology and disease. This is a rapidly developing area that is of interest to a wide spectrum of researchers, students, and fellows in immunology, rheumatology, hematology, and bone biology--all of whom need to develop a more complete understanding of their previously separate disciplines and the mechanisms by which they interact.
- Presents a comprehensive, translational source for all aspects of osteoimmunology in one reference work
- Experts in bone biology and immunology (from all areas of academic and medical research) take readers from the bench research (cellular and molecular mechanism), through genomic and proteomic analysis, all the way to clinical analysis (histopathology and imaging) and new therapeutic approaches
- Clear presentations by bone biologists of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying bone cell development leading to bone and immunological diseases such as Lupus
- Clear presentations by immunologists of how immune cells develop and how the immune system plays a role in bone diseases like osteoporosis and arthritis

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