Quit Going to Church by Bob Hostetler

Quit Going to Church



How did Christ imagine church and faith? Did he imagine the Sunday-Christian or the wholly immersed believer? In this book, Bob Hostetler tells readers to QUIT GOING TO CHURCH, and renew their walk of faith. What drives people to enter the doors of churches every Sunday? It could be habit, living up to expectations, a sense of duty, or even guilt. People seem to be living "churchanity" rather then Christianity. This thought provoking and "pull-off-the-gloves" book is based on the premise that much of how we think and act, a great percentage of what we do these days as church-going people, bears only a slight resemblance to the way of Jesus and "the faith that was once for all delivered to the siants" (Jude 1:3). With titles like "Quit Going to Church" and "Quit Sharing Your Faith," each chapter issues an eyebrow-rising challenge, showing how many of us has misunderstood-even distorted-the Good News of Jesus and replaced Christianity with something else. As you read this book, be prepared to have your assumptions challenged and your life transformed by the renewing of your mind.

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