Current Issues Regarding School-Based Functional Assessment. by The Behavior Analyst Today

Current Issues Regarding School-Based Functional Assessment.


  • Genre Psychology
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Introduction A pediatrician recently asked our opinion regarding an eighth-grade patient who was having academic and conduct problems at school. The parents of this patient were upset because the child had been suspended from school for disrupting class and being verbally abusive toward both the teacher and other students. During their visit with the physician, the parents presented the doctor with a "functional behavioral assessment summary" form and a "behavioral intervention plan" completed by the school staff in regard to their child's behavior. The "functional behavioral assessment summary" form was one page in length and allowed for limited information regarding the student's behavior, the antecedents and consequences related to the problem behavior, and the suspected function of the behavior. Examples of some of the problem "behaviors" identified on the form included "overly aggressive," "disrespectful," "mean-spirited," and "volatile." The lack of operational definitions for these "behaviors" were of concern to us. As we read on, we had difficulties interpreting some of the other information. For example, the antecedents to the problem behavior were identified as "whenever his self-esteem was threatened" and "whenever he wants to avoid uncomfortable situations." Vague information regarding where and when the behavior occurred was evidenced by the statement, "His behavior occurs consistently throughout each day and every week." Furthermore, the hypothesis regarding the function of the behavior was stated as, "He behaves inappropriately as a cover for his perceived inadequacies."

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